Forms 1-7 are required for all students. Forms 8-10 are required only if the student has documented allergies or requires medication while at school.
1. Registration Form
A completed Registration Form is required to enroll your child in classes at GUMC. A new Registration Form must be completed for each year the child returns to GUMC. Use the link to download, print and return this form with your registration fee and deposit. Class options with tuition information are listed on page 2 of this document.
The Emergency Form is required to be on file for every student at the attending school. This form gives the staff a point of contact if you cannot be reached in the event of emergency, and gives the staff permission to seek emergency care in the event of an accident. If it becomes necessary to transport your child to the hospital, this form would accompany. Download and print using the link. Complete thoroughly, paying specific attention to required signatures.
All children attending GUMC for the first time must submit a completed Health Inventory Form (Part I by parents/Part II by doctor) with exam having been administered no more than 12 months prior to the date of enrollment. For returning students, new forms need only be resubmitted when the child has a new physical exam. Please have health care provider sign where directed. NO STUDENT WILL BE ALLOWED TO PARTICIPATE IN SCHOOL ACTIVITIES UNTIL THIS FORM HAS BEEN SUBMITTED. Use the link provided to download , print and take to your health care provider.
A MDHMH Blood Lead Test Certificate is required to be on file for all children born on or after January 1, 2015, regardless of place of residence. Using the link below, print the form and take to your health care provider. Please be sure signatures are applied where requested. Return to GUMC office with child's other paperwork.
A current MDH Immunization Certificate is required to be on file for all students attending classes for the first time. Updated Immunization Certificates should be submitted as new immunizations are administered. NO STUDENT WILL BE ALLOWED TO PARTICIPATE IN ANY SCHOOL ACTIVITIES UNTIL THIS COMPLETED FORM HAS BEEN SUBMITTED. Please use the link provided to download, print, take to your health care provider, and return to school.
The "Getting to Know You" questionnaire is required from each student prior to beginning their first class at GUMC ,and EACH YEAR the child returns to GUMC. Teachers use this form to better understand your child's progress and family structure. Download and print using the link provided. Complete and return with your child's other paperwork.
The Permission To Drop off/ Release of Child Form is required from all students at registration, and a new form must be submitted EACH YEAR the child returns to GUMC. This form allows parents to authorize family members/friends to drop off/pick up their child from school. CHILDREN WILL NOT BE RELEASED TO ANY PERSON IF THEIR NAME IS NOT ENTERED ON THIS FORM. Names can be added by request in the school office. Identification may be required for those picking up for the first time. Use the link provided to download, print, and return this completed form with your child's other paperwork.
8. Allergy and Anaphylaxis Medication Administration Authorization Plan
An Allergy and Anaphylaxis Medication Administration Authorization Plan must be downloaded, printed , and taken to your health care provider if your child has stated allergies at registration. This form must be resubmitted each year your child returns to GUMC. Upon the onset of symptoms , staff will follow this action plan for treatment of your child. Should rescue medications be prescribed for your child, a Medication Administration Form (below) must be completed. Return completed forms to the school office where a care plan will be discussed.
A Medication Administration Authorization Form is required to be completed by your health care provider for any medications to be given while your child is at school. Medications, with completed forms, should be presented to the school office where a care plan for your child will be discussed. Medications must be in their original containers with the child's name clearly present. Prescription medications must have the pharmacy prescription label on the outside of the package. A separate Medication Administration Form is needed for each medication administered.
10. Asthma Action Plan and Medication Administration Authorization Form
If your child has asthma, an Asthma Action Plan and Medication Administration Authorization Form must be on file in the school office. Download using link below, print, and take to your health care provider. This completed form and any required medication must be presented to the school office where a care plan for your child will be discussed.